Transforming Sexual Energy to Productive Energy

Georgie's Blog
4 min readDec 5, 2020


Willpower is everything, but sometimes it doesn't have to be…

It’s been 6months, oh wow, 6months! A lot of things got in the way of this beautiful hobby of mine but we’re back! And I promise, no more long breaks, you’re welcome back to today’s episode on this thrilling series. In Episode 7 we looked at controlling our sexual energies from building up and basically we identified that the key to doing this is in our will-power i.e the ability to say no to sex outside the covering of marriage and not just saying no for no sake, you’re saying no because you understand the importance of sex, you know what it involves and by God’s grace we have talked a lot about sex since the first episode so in case you need a refresher you can just take your time and go through all of them again ( just about 30mins all together 😄 ).

Alright now I understand that in life things are easier said than done (way easier said!), and not everyone might have willpower strong enough to say no! Not everyone might be strong enough to turn down a seduction, not everyone might be ready to ignore that strong urge to just do the thing! (if you know what I mean).

So a vital way to help asides relying on willpower is to transform the pent up Sexergy( that’s short for sexual energy) into productive energy. “ Uhhmm, how do you mean Georgie? Is that even possible?”
Yes it is! You see according to science, energy is convertible, which means it is transferred from one form of energy to another, energy is convertible and really so is Sexergy!

Now, remember, you have to have the will-power as we discussed in the last episode but for some people having the will-power isn’t enough. So now I’m going to be sharing with you some effective ways to get rid of that pent up Sexergy by transforming it into something productive.

1. ISODOS: This is an effective measure I myself have used to get out of some messy situations (you don’t want to know 😂). ISODOS is an acronym I formed for Isolate and Do Something. Immediately you feel that urge, that spike, that boost in ability, isolate yourself from wherever you are and do something completely different from sexual, more like contrasting to sexual. Take a walk, take a cold shower (works every time 😂), Exercise too, anything that you can that just gives a big no to your urges.

2. Slow Down: Slowing down is another helpful way to control however you might be feeling. Taking a pause and simply taking in repeated deep breaths will help more than you can imagine. Slowing down is like removing the oxygen from a fire, just stay calm and still and watch how your body will literally ooze all the sex away. If you look at sexual sin closely because most of us have committed one or the other, it is always done in the rush, almost without reasoning, your body literally does the reasoning, so slowing down gives enough break time for your senses to kick in, allowing you to channel it to your mind, thereby giving the possibility of talking yourself out of it.

3. Talk to God: Now this is by far the most underrated method out because some people don’t talk to God very much on a normal basis and have little faith in talking to him when they’re tempted to sex but I’ll be honest with you that talking to God helps. Read your bible, pray, engage yourself spiritually, it’s not just doing telepathy with God, get spiritual! This method fights your urges directly compared to the other two that ignores or tries to “trick” how you are feeling, God always wins so I recommend this as a go-to technique if you don’t have the willpower and you can supplement with the other two.

So these are my best ways to transform pent up Sexergy into something productive and useful, it’s not going to be a walk in the park but I assure you, keep your willpower fixed on saying no and everything will get easier, take it one day at a time, one thought at a time and you will be just fine. I’m sure you were blessed by this, don’t forget to share as always and I will see you when I see you! Take care.

Shalom ❤️



Georgie's Blog

A great passion for writing to inspire people and share insights on issues of God, Love, and Relationships. Welcome to Georgie's Blog